Saturday, March 24, 2012


ASEPRITE 0.9.1 is here! Some important changes:
  • Now you can transform (move/scale/rotate) the selection directly (video).
  • Integrated copy & paste logic with selection.
  • Improved status bar for animation: A text field to go to a specific frame and a button to create new frames.
  • Important: "N" keyboard shortcut was modified to "Alt+N" to avoid creating frames by mistake.
  • A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.
Download | Release notes | Report bugs


Jim said...

Thanks for all your work on this. Its my favorite sprite editor.

Mark Williams said...

Just stumbled across your program today and I think its great but things I wish it had was an option to put workspace scrollbars and maybe a layer editor window.

aarlof said...
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aarlof said...

Just tried this on a 13" Macbook running Lion (OSX 10.7.3). Nice, love the 8-bit UI, retro-awesome!

However, there are issues running this on a smaller display (mine is 1280x800), as the menu bar is hidden by the Mac window title bar (gray bar with the red, yellow, green stoplight buttons). You can click on the menu items but there is also a cursor tracking issue between the OS cursor position and the app's custom cursor location, and the degree of separation varies as you use the app and move the mouse around.

The obscured menu bar inhibits use of some other screens too, such as the Animation Editor view. Not sure how to suggest approaching this issue (I'm a user experience / user interface designer) other than making some of the vertical panes (color palette, etc) scrollable views within the main app window.
Let me know if you'd like to run through some UI testing, I'd be happy to help out. You can contact me via

Unknown said...

Just tried this on Ubuntu 12.04 and I am enjoying this. I draw pixel art normally in GIMP, but this feels a bit more native to the medium. I think the biggest reason why I found myself wanting this in the first place was the animating tools (something GIMP lacks). Keep up the good work. I'll definitely mention this tool whenever I create any future pixel art.

Cluly said...

Loving this! I'm using it over Photoshop for spriting up a small game project I'm working on at the moment and its great.

I wouldn't mind seeing a layer stack in a small window however. The current system took a little working out and could get rather complicated on larger projects.

m@ka said...

Hey dude! Love this program. My favorite thing about it is the pixel interface. Doing pixel work while seeing pixel work is somewhat...awesome :)

I do have a quick request.

Can you make it so you can pick colors with right clicking?

And can you have an option to set the default zoom level in the program?

I had to scrounge about but I'm glad I find that you can make the default 1x.

demagogia said...

@Cluly: You can see a stack of layers inside the Animation Editor (pressing Tab key or "View > Animation Editor" menu)

> Can you make it so you can pick colors with right clicking?

Well, currently you can customize left/right click to do whatever you want. See "data/gui.xml" file, the section, it's undocumented at the moment (as everything else anyway).

> And can you have an option to set the default zoom level in the program?

An option can be possible (and much easier than editing aseprite.ini by hand). I've added an issue for this:

AlĂ­cia F. R. said...

I'm absolutely thrilled with Aseprite. I just discovered it today, but after working with it for a while, I have decided that it's the best cross-platform pixel-art editor to be found. And so far I have also tried a few programs for Linux only, and some others for Windows only, but I didn't like any of them as much as I like this one.

I suppose there's always new options to be implemented, things to be improved, etc., but Aseprite is perfect for my needs. I like everything about it, from the pixel feel (very smooth!), to the animation editor, to the easy and useful way the thumbnail appears, etc. It's very user-friendly.

Thanks A LOT for this! This program is a great piece of "art" in itself. It will be using it a lot from now on :)