Friday, January 18, 2013

Work in progress for 0.9.6

Hello people! I'll try to keep you update about "what is going on" in aseprite development in these days. For v0.9.6 (the next release):
  • First of all, I'm restructuring the User Interface (UI). Don't worry, just a little bit (for better). The general idea is to integrate the Animation Editor with the Sprite Editor in the same window. Actually the Animation Editor acts like a completely different mode and that doesn't work so well. Also the Animation Editor is one of the most hidden features, so I want to make it more visible for new users. (If you don't know about it, you can press "Tab" key to see it.)
  • Brushes! You should be able to select a portion of the sprite, copy it as a brush, and use the active tool to draw with that brush.
  • Error reporting: On Windows there are important information to report crashes which can be useful to detect bugs in the code (the holy aseprite-memory.dmp file). I'll try to make it easier to report these crashes when the program is restarted.
For v0.9.x:
  • Tile maps: The next "big thing" will be a feature to draw tiles directly in a map as it were a big sprite (but you will be editing the sprite sheet indirectly). This feature will deprecate the "tiled" drawing mode (because you will be able to setup a 9x9 grid with the same tile to create patterns).
  • Auto-save/recovery: The general idea of this feature is to auto-save the sprite in a temporary location, so if the program crashes you should be able to recovery some recent version of the file automatically.
Remember that we're in the middle of a fundraising campaign. You can donate here: Thank you!